pastor of one

Not long ago, I was a pastor to many. I was the one that they called when things were bad, when the test results came back, when the unthinkable happened. I was busy. I was making phone calls, sending emails, visiting hospitals, and planning the inspiring words that I’d share next Sunday.

I gave up the calling to pastor many to pastor just one, a little boy that God has entrusted to my husband and me.

Today my ministry looks like diaper changes and middle of the night feedings and being covered in spit up literally all the time, like sitting in a chair for two hours because my son needs rest and can’t sleep longer than 45 minutes alone.

The pace is wildly different. Part of me misses being needed in the way that I once was. But here’s the thing that I’m clinging to: God is as honored in me caring for my child as he was when pastoring paid the bills.

I am still called to make disciples. I am still called to reflect Christ in the way I live my life. I am still a part of building His Kingdom here.

My greatest hope is that my son will come to know Jesus as I have and learn to serve him as I am, in the simple obedience of today.